Sunday, April 30, 2017

DAY 100

What a journey this has been.  I remain completely grateful that you have followed us and prayed for us throughout these 100 days.  I know, in my heart, that we couldn’t have done it without you.  I am forever indebted to you for your kindness, love, encouragement, and prayers. 
It’s a surreal feeling, being at Day 100.  Nick is doing remarkably well and slowly spends more time working and exercising.  It’s funny hearing Nick’s response, as we greet family, friends, and neighbors.  They say, “Nick, it’s good to see you.”  Nick replies, “It’s even BETTER to SEE YOU!”  Seems he has a sense of relief, knowing that the most critical “100 days” have passed.  My hope now, as we return to our “new normal” routine, is that we are mindful of the precious gifts around us – our family and friends.  After the threat of losing one, we realize that they truly are the jewels of life.  Not only are they precious, but they add sparkle to an otherwise tedious life.  May we always see their value and respect them as God’s gift to us.  I further hope that a day never passes without us thanking God for each and every one of these gifts.  I have absolutely no doubt that God’s intervention, through your unending prayers, brought Nick to restored health.  HE has truly blessed us with Nick’s presence for many years to come.  Life is most certainly good.

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