Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Unexpected Delay

Tonight Nick was on the IV fluids which are given prior to the 9:00 pm chemotherapy, when a physician walked into the room and ordered a nasal swab because Nick had mentioned several times throughout the day that he did wake up with some nasal drainage/like the start of a cold.  The results came back at 8:45 pm and revealed that Nick has a rhinovirus (common cold).  Now, this would be no big deal for healthy people, but because of Nick's condition and considering they were about to completely break down his immune system, its a HUGE deal in this case.  The doctor explained that if they go through with the BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant), Nick will have an "added complication where the rhinovirus could turn into pneumonia".  This would be devastating to his chance at recovery.  The only other option is to wait two weeks and reschedule the BMT.  This is the option we felt was in Nick's best interest, so tonight we have returned home.  This unexpected delay was a real curve ball for us, but I believe God has directed what just happened here tonight.  I feel He may have just saved "My Knight".
At this point, Nick will be in a type of "isolation" for the next two weeks prior to the re-scheduled BMT.  He will be refraining from stores, crowds, young children, and basically anyone who may be sick with a cold/flu.  If he is "out and about", you will probably see him in a mask.  Tomorrow we are scheduled to meet with our BMT doctor to organize our next step.  I will be back to post our news, but until then, please continue to pray for Nick as well as his 22 year old donor.  This young woman has stepped up as donor, but she too is receiving a "curve ball" tonight.  Please pray that she continues to stay committed to donating stem cells for Nick.  Pray that Nick is healed of this virus and that he is able to complete the BMT process for a chance at being cured of Myelofibrosis.  My sincere thanks to all of you.  I know that your prayers for Nick's protection are being answered.  The doctor who appeared tonight (just before the chemo began) and caught Nick's cold is proof of it.
We'll be in touch soon.


  1. Prayers and well wishes from "The Hill" for Nick and his whole family. More prayers that the schedule change does not alter the will of the incredibly generous young woman.


  2. Prayers for Nick and the family our hearts are with you as you go through this process. Nick will come out stronger, stay positive prayers do work. Hugs!!
    Ron & Indrek

  3. Prayers and love from your USF family!

  4. Prayers from Kathy B on Strivin for Stephen team.

  5. Thinking about and praying for you all - love to Nick and the family. Scott and Michelle

  6. God IS in control, today is proof, I know that His will will be done and Nick will overcome this bump in the road and get on with his Healthy Life very soon!

  7. Keeping NIck and his family in my thoughts! Aron (Sigma Pi)

  8. Keeping you all in my prayers�� Jeff Liddic
