Friday, January 27, 2017

Day 6 & 7

If you ever wanted to see what bravery and strength look like, just take a look at Nick.  He's holding up well, especially considering the amount of chemo and other meds they've put into him.  He's still in a battle with stomach issues, but handling it like a champ.  His Hgb dropped below 7.0, so he had a blood transfusion yesterday and another one today, which now puts him in the BMT acceptable zone.
Nick's WBC continues to drop and is expected to "bottom out" in the next week.  This is a critical time because he is now extremely susceptible to infection. We're taking all the precautions we possibly can and have asked Moffitt to help us limit the people coming into the room.  He's dealing with a couple of other issues - sore mouth/throat and a rash on his chest and back - but he keeps the staff notified and takes whatever they can offer to keep him comfortable for now.  He did get a little behind in the required liquids, but IV fluids got him back on board.  He's eating, but not as much as he was.  Today he skipped lunch because he just "wasn't hungry".  Appetite will become more and more scarce, but he knows he'll need to eat anyway.  Walking is also "key" in this fight back to restored health, so he is walking laps as much as he can.  I believe we did 2 miles (or 22 laps) yesterday and the same today.  You should see the faces of the staff when he walks by (with his IV tower in tow) and asks, "Do you guys need anything?" as if he's just walking the restaurant dining room, checking in on his guests.
Nick did have a short visit with "Coach Nick".  He calls him "Coach" because he's about 30 days ahead of our Nick in the BMT process and he's been sharing his experience along the way.  Nick has learned a great deal from him.  He first met Coach Nick at Moffitt months ago while waiting for a doctor's appointment.  Can't say I'm surprised that our Nick made a lifelong friend after a five minute chat in the waiting area.  It seems he has the ability to draw you in, then you're close enough to feel the genuine spirit in his words, and ultimately find you're simply unable to walk by him again without sharing a smile.  Here are a couple of pics as they polish off a few laps...
Just as a reminder...Flowers are not permitted in the Moffitt BMT Unit.  Nick is, however enjoying every letter/card that he receives.  I deliver the mail (and his newspapers) to him every morning just before "rounds".  He really looks forward to hearing from you all and it truly puts a spark in his day.  My sincere thanks for this.  For those who need the mailing address:  3424 Cypress Landing Drive, Valrico, FL  33596


  1. Dear Nick,

    We just read from day 1 till 6&7. We understand that it is a very difficult period now. Following week is crucial also and therefore we hope that you will have enough energy for everything that comes. You are constantly in our minds, we care and love you a lot!
    Huge hug from all of us in Belgrade! We wait you to come with Lauren (as you promised) to go and eat cevapcici!

  2. Thank you for posting Rene! Keep the photos coming. Big hugs to all the south fla. Vojnovic famiky.

  3. Dear Rene, Nick, Jon & Lauren, We knew you when we lived in River Hills & Chris & Jon used to play together. We are now back in England but are following Nick's story and praying that he continues to make such wonderful progress. We have fond memories of Moffitt which seems a strange thing to say, but not only was the hospital a customer of Kevin's (he printed their Cancer Control Journal)but it was also where Kevin underwent surgery and successful treatment from a team of dedicated, kind and caring healthcare professionals. Nick could not be in better hands. And then he has you, his family which I know must give him the best support and care of all. Our thoughts are with you, and thank you for your beautifully crafted blog posts. Thinking positive thoughts, Kevin, Debbie & Chris O'Brien
