Nick has continued appointments at Moffitt, but he is currently on a bi-weekly blood test only and monthly doctor check-in. They tried reducing some of his meds, but he ran into slight GVHD rash- type symptoms, so they went back to the levels his body would agree with. They will begin reducing them again, but at a much slower rate to avoid any complications. He feels well enough to work each day and we've been able to relax in public without the fear of catching colds/germs. Nick's hair is quickly growing back, although he seems puzzled with what was once jet black hair, now seems mostly gray. To me this isn't a surprise. If they ever stopped selling L'Oreal Preference, I'd be in the same boat! For now, Nick seems satisfied to HAVE hair and to me he's as handsome as ever! I have absolutely no objection to his "Sean Connery look"! Basically, we've been taking it one day at a time. We're also "downsizing" to a smaller place in St. Pete, but this transition won't be complete for some time. If Nick could have gotten any better from the experience of BMT, it was only to have learned to slow down. He makes an effort to watch the sunset every weekend which brings a sense of peace to the fast-paced life in the restaurants. All of the kids are doing well. Lauren is starting her second year at FGCU in Fort Meyers and Jon is doing an incredible job in his work for Little Greek. Jon and Brittany work hard and make quality time together. I'm so happy that they learned to do this early in their lives. We are all incredibly blessed. We look at Nick as our confirmation, that what we believe is actually true...miracles DO happen and God IS most certainly on our side.
I returned to the USA and was fortunate to see Nick at USF. He looked so good that was about to come out of the closet for him. So nice to see his huge grin and experience his sense of humor.